Anthony "Steam Toad" Frogg

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True gentletoad, Esq. Has an irrepressible urge to explore and master new spaces. He persistently shares steam technologies with the inhabitants of other planets, even if they have already switched to nuclear energy a long time ago

Mr. Frogg is a true gentletoad. He managed to calculate that he could travel around the entire universe in 8 years and shared his findings with the gentletoads from his club. The gentletoads considered his theory to be a really good joke. Anthony was offended and declared that he is ready to show that he is right personally, by making the flight on a mechanism he invented himself and betting his entire fortune.

The grand departure of Mr. Frogg from Rospo was covered by all of the toadish newspapers. However, the journey ended up more complicated and dangerous than Anthony expected. When he was passing an unknown planet, he entered the field of a magnetic anomaly and was forced to make an emergency landing.

Mr. Frogg was in despair — his navigation system seemed to have gone mad and it was impossible to fit into the time agreed with the gentletoads. When he was trying to find the source of the interference, Anthony discovered a temporal artefact. After he studied its properties, the toad decided to give himself a small advantage and move back into the past for a short period of time. He is still ashamed as this is very ungentletoadly.



Armorisation ability .png Tea unbreak

A gentletoad will always find time to reinforce his armor, repair nearby devices, and drink a cup of tea.


Forcefield.png Forcefield

Portable protective field generator. Stops bullets and energy shots, but freely passes massive objects with low flight speed.

Turret unit.png Automatic Turret

Antonio designed this security turret with two laser emitters on his own. It is perfect for short-range defense. Turret is controlled by artificial intelligence with a very grumpy character.

Quantum Regenerator

This device is based on Cretas medical technologies. It restores health at a distance and even walls are no obstacle to it!


Salamander Flamethrower

An uncomplicated but highly effective melee weapon. Perfect for destroying any creature, it also allows the frogentleman to enjoy the morning smell of napalm.
