Antonio "Space Toad" Romero

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Space Toad is a real superhero who saved the entire galaxy more than once. Now his mission is equally important - he researches Cretas’ technologies and rids the Temporal Net of flies, and other insects as well.

Antonio Romero is a true hero. He got a medal for saving toads from drying out when he was but a tadpole. He was never afraid of a challenge, because every challenge is a chance to show off and become famous. After the war with the Heronbots, Antonio’s name became known to absolutely everyone as a veteran of the resistance, a tireless inventor and just the most handsome of toads!

Antonio was once asked to take part in a show dedicated to survival on a wild desert planet. Of course, the famous toad agreed! An abandoned portal which was about to open was discovered among the dunes!

Antonio shouted to his team to call the military, but he was ignored. The ratings of the program would fly up into the skies when the portal would open! The only thing Romero could do was go and save the world all on his own, as usual. So, he would show them! He would free the Temporal Net from the flies and other insects!



Armorisation ability .png Pocket forcefield

Easily fits into a suit pocket and allows a Forcefield to be thrown into the least accessible places.


Forcefield.png Forcefield

Portable protective field generator. Stops bullets and energy shots, but freely passes massive objects with low flight speed.

Turret unit.png Automatic Turret

Antonio designed this security turret with two laser emitters on his own. It is perfect for short-range defense. Turret is controlled by artificial intelligence with a very grumpy character.

Icon Quantum Regenerator

This device is based on Cretas medical technologies. It restores health at a distance and even walls are no obstacle to it!


Newt GL

Converted from a donut-making machine, this high-tech grenade launcher is great for destroying enemy fortifications.

Grenade launcher.png