Sergeant Sly Razer

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Despite the nickname, he is a completely simpleminded small-town guy. He could have become a suitable hero for some mobile farm, but war called him.

Sergeant Sly Razer has no idea how to control himself at all — he destroyed an enemy unit when the truce was already declared, which is why he was forcibly retired from service. Unfortunately, the uncompromising sergeant was not ready for civilian life and ended up imprisoned as a result of a class action for hooliganism and fighting a year later.

His former commander offered Razer freedom in exchange for a promise that he would complete a special mission. Sly agreed and he was taken straight to Amazonia from prison.

When he was on location, the sergeant was told that he had to quietly disarm the camp of a private military company that was guarding a mysterious artifact. Razer had almost completed the mission, when enemy scientists noticed him, activating a portal that dragged the sergeant into the Temporal Net.



Ability Grenade.png Hand grenade

Throwing a grenade is a reliable way to destroy enemy devices.


Dynamite .png Demolition charge

Good old dynamite in new packaging. Simple. Cheap. Explosively effective!

Unit Mine.png Anti-personnel mine

A modern mine with an identification friend-or-foe system. Step on it and a pair of socks will last you twice as long.

Unit Radar.png Portable radar

Detects hidden enemies - a great choice for scouting or ambushing.


RZ-42  Razorback

A general-purpose hand machine gun is the best argument in disputes at medium range.

Razer gun.png