Captain Berr

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BERR used to be a run-of-the-mill AI bar on a cargo spaceship. One of the team decided to download a collection of pirate shanties onto him, so that a sailor’s song would play when the fridge was opened.

BERR was bored, so he kept listening to the collection with the volume muted and became truly obsessed with the romance of the seas: freedom, rum, battles and adventures... When the ship’s boy disrespectfully slammed the door on the robot’s belly yet again, BERR decided to act. He plotted with the other AIs on the ship and started a mutiny, ejecting the human crew on a desert planet and getting elected as the new captain. Captain BERR renamed the spaceship to the Drunken Spaceship and his wild crew began to hunt for fuel and treasure around the galaxy.

The pirates had a great life, but the Captain read too many pirate novels and started to have paranoid suspicions about his subordinates. Fearing a mutiny, he decided to hide part of the treasure he had plundered in the Temporal Net, never to be found. Unfortunately, the Captain did not bother to find out how the Net actually worked, so he doesn’t know where his treasure or his crew is anymore and doesn’t even know where he ended up himself.



Ability Boarding.png


A powerful jump on board an enemy ship will provoke a Mortar barrage. This works even without ships.



Unit Fridge2.webp

Fridge Jr.

This former mini-fridge really tries to be useful and increases the armor of allied creatures and units.

Unit Radar.png Portable radar

Reveals hidden enemies — an excellent choice for recon and setting ambushes.

Unit MadamMortar.png Madam Mortar

BERR’s irritable cousin despises everyone around her, especially the enemy team. Just show her where to shoot.



A weapon worthy of a pirate ship! Don’t fall overboard when using it.

Picture of gun