Classic Mod

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  • The main goal of teams is to deal as much as possible damage to the objective and, if possible, destroy it in the allotted time.
    • The team that destroys the enemy objective first - wins.
    • When the timer expires, the team with the most HP on the objective wins.
    • The mod has a build phase, during which the teams are separated from each other by an impenetrable barrier (you can't cross it and fire through it).
    • In the center of the maps of the game-mod, there is a platform where a special item appears every 120 seconds. When picked up, it gives 600 resources to each character in the team of the player who captured it.
    • The objective can be repaired by the shovel: each hit on an allied objective restores 50 health points.


  • The health of the objective is divided into segments, when 25% of the health of the objective is destroyed, it is impossible to restore higher.
    • For example, if an enemy destroyed an objective by 24% of all health, then it can be restored fully, if destroyed by 26%, then the objective can only be restored up to 75% of max health.
  • The objective can be destroyed only by a shovel.
  • When an objective segment is destroyed, all killed heroes of the team whose segment is destroyed respawn at the base.