Code of Conduct

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This is a reminder that there is a Code of Conduct!

If you ever have any questions about another player's behaviour or how to conduct yourself both in and out of the arenas check out the links below:

Steam online Code of Conduct -

Steam Subscriber Agreement -

Rules and Guidelines For Steam: Discussions, Reviews, and User Generated Content -

If you see behaviour that breaks the Code of Conduct, please use the in game report function and give as much information as possible. You can also send a report WITH supporting evidence such as screenshots or videos to [[1]]

If you see behaviour on the Forums that breaks the Code of Conduct, use the report button to flag it.

Impersonating a member of staff either on any of the social platforms, or in game, will result in an instant non reversible ban in all areas.

The forums are not a place to report, name and shame, or discuss behaviour going against the Code of Conduct, as this goes against Steam's Discussion Rules and Guidelines. Bans do not get discussed on the forums or any other platform, but need to be addressed via email to [[2]]

Any posts trying to discuss the above, will be removed.

You are also bound by the Block N Load2 EULA which you agreed to when installing the game

Anyone owning a Block N Load 2 gaming account is responsible for its safety and conduct. Regardless of who was using your account when any incident resulting in a restriction on the account occurred, any restriction applied will not be removed.

You are responsible for your account!