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She is a representative of the ancient superhuman race of Cretas, “forgotten” by her relatives on one of the uninhabited planets due to her extreme addiction to parties and tonic drinks. We can say she's a walking social advertisement.

The nearly immortal Cretas were superior to the other races in everything — in their science, in their research and in everything they created. DaTau’s talent was partying. Laugh, dance, drink BERR Tonic and don’t think about tomorrow was her motto for the last million years, which really disappointed her family.

While her relatives prepared for their anima transfer to an incorporeal state of existence, DaTau selected a beautiful anthropomorphic body to celebrate this important event and looked forward to all the fun and new possibilities she would have after the transfer.

When she woke up after yet another grand party, she found herself inside the Temporal Net. The Net did not recognize DaTau as a living being because of the amount of BERR Tonic she had drunk and the Departure of the Cretas took place without her. DaTau can’t believe that her relatives abandoned her and desperately awaits their return. She won’t be able to set up the Temporal Net without their help.



Jetpack.png Detector

Great for detecting unwanted guests at your party, so keep it with you.


GuardDrone.png Guard drone

A miniature robot with a rapid-fire laser and an explosive charge inside. Combines the functions of a turret and a mine.

SnooperDrone.png Snooper drone

Detects and slows down opponents, allowing its owner to aim slowly, like in a shooting range.

ForceBarrier.png Force barrier

A semipermeable field that allows Sniper and her allies to shoot and pass through, but delays opponents and their shots.


Phobos Carbine

"Rapid-fire sniper carbine. Combines accuracy and rate of fire. Created by Cretas’ hunters specifically for intergalactic safaris."
