Eliza “Chemie” White

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Her nickname goes with the suit: being the only sane "mad scientist" in the Temporal Net, the Chemist does not neglect protective means. However, it does not hide from us some oddities of this medic.

Eliza always loved chemistry. Back when she was at school, she invented a way to cheaply synthesize certain medical ingredients. After she completed all of her exams externally, she quickly found sponsors and started her own pharmaceutical company.

Some found it suspicious that Eliza White, who got dubbed “Chemie” by scurrilous newspaper journos, was making rare medicines practically out of thin air. A group of independent journalists infiltrated the secret WhitePharms labs and stole medicinal formulas and several bacterial cultures. The thieves were quickly discovered and they escaped to South America in fear of legal trouble.

A month later, those lands were stricken by a disease unknown to anyone apart from Eliza. Chemie was horrified — humans dying was only half the trouble, the other was that the info about the origin of the disease could destroy her company. Eliza personally set off to follow the tracks of the runaway journalists deep into the jungle, where she discovered an activated portal. Deciding that the journalists were hiding behind it, Eliza put on her protective suit and entered the Temporal Net. It was nothing personal — simply business.



Eliza active ability.png Energiser

Do you feel weak and drowsy? Ask your doctor to prescribe you an Energizer!


Regenerator.png Quantum Regenerator

This unit combines Cretas’ energy technology and the medical genius of Eliza. Don't ask how, but it regenerates health at a distance and even through the walls.

Resurrector.png CMM-48 “Resurrector”

Cloning Machine Mobile (version 48). It doesn't really resurrect, it just creates a copy that is indistinguishable from the original. That is, it does not cancel the death of the previous copy, but who cares.

Tesla.png Electrical Concentrator “Tesla”

Elisa's own design. Several nearby machines create electrical barriers between themselves, and are also capable of discharging their charge with a lightning strike at inattentive opponents.


Toxic Injector

"Modified taser. Eliza purposely removed the "De” from the title. It has two types of ammunition: shock darts that cause short-term paralysis in the enemy, and ampoules with stimulants that heal allies and increase their movement speed."
