Eliza Ray, Аgent X

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Ray never took the Hippocratic Oath. She uses her knowledge of medicine exclusively to harm everybody. If suddenly Ray healed you, then she still needs you for victory. Or the "medicine" hasn't worked yet.

Eliza Ray is a wonderful doctor, one of the few true professionals. She is clever, careful and ambitious. These are the kind of human resources that the “Very Evil International Corporation” requires. What for? Well, if someone needs to pass away before their time, without any traces of outside involvement, of course.

The head of the corporation is very rich, but his wealth could not gift him with eternal life until recently (however, it did very much allow him to swap in his third set of donor organs). Now, everything has changed: the latest data from his labs has shown that the temporal properties of Cretas artefacts can make a man immortal.

Of course, the head of the corporation did not trust Eliza Ray much, and he was even a little afraid of her. However, it was only her marvellous mind that could find a formula for eternal life, which is why she was invited to take part in secret research. The ambitious doctor had her own plans, however. Why help a decrepit old man when she could become a goddess herself, one who could kill and resurrect with a wave of her hand? That’s why Eliza Ray simply smirked contemptuously, gathered all of the instruments she needed and activated the portal.


Eliza active ability.png Exclusive perfume

This pungent aroma restores Eliza’s health. WhitePharms best and latest invention!


Regenerator.png Quantum Regenerator

This unit combines Cretas’ energy technology and the medical genius of Eliza. Don't ask how, but it regenerates health at a distance and even through the walls.

Resurrector.png CMM-48 “Resurrector”

Cloning Machine Mobile (version 48). It doesn't really resurrect, it just creates a copy that is indistinguishable from the original. That is, it does not cancel the death of the previous copy, but who cares.

Tesla.png Electrical Concentrator “Tesla”

Elisa's own design. Several nearby machines create electrical barriers between themselves, and are also capable of discharging their charge with a lightning strike at inattentive opponents.



A submachine gun, with bullets that are treated with a radioactive substance. In the body of the enemy, the bullets give a radioactive trail for some time - the "marked" one can be seen even through the walls.

X-ray gun.png