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Kato is a cyber brain in a silicone body, a killer and a terrorist. At first, she fought against humans for the rights of robots, but then betrayed the technohood. Sometimes it seems to her that she was a human being, maybe this is the reason for such impermanence?

Kato was assembled as a special order because someone needed a limited series of killer cyborgs with bodyguard functionality, and that someone contacted the Shinobi Concern. When Cogwheel’s Sons robots arose against humans and started a war for independence, Kato left her previous owners and joined the side of the machines.

She organized terror attacks and diversionary raids, eliminated policemen and military officers, mercilessly destroying people until she fell into a trap. The explosion tore Kato apart together with her policewoman hostage. It was a miracle that the fearsome killer got restored piece by piece, but the results weren’t too much of a success. Kato became increasingly unstable, tortured by her memories of a past human life.

When the robots decided to destroy the Temporal Net so that the humans wouldn’t get it, Kato volunteered for the mission. But the closure of the portals was never part of her plans — that was where she could find the truth about herself...



Ability Flash.png Invisible hack

A rare Temporal Net error allows you to become invisible to enemies. Taking or dealing damage restores visibility to factory settings.


Gastrap.png Gas trap

Anti-personnel mine. Releases a cloud of poison gas when triggered.

Teleporter.png Teleporter

A portable version of the cretas portal with an identification friend-or-foe system. Allows allies to move between two portals instantly.

EMP .png EMP bomb

An electromagnetic emitter generates a pulse that temporarily incapacitates all enemy units in range.


Ninja 01 SMG

A pair of rapid-fire holographic submachine guns - multi-purpose killer weapons that decay without a trace after use.

SMG Ninja.png