Liz Tumbler

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Liz Tumbler vs. the World! A phenomenally talented and phenomenally lazy student who loves chemistry and, a little less, her team. She's a bore, but heals great (just nod smartly while she chatters).

Only two things make Liz happy — physics and her skateboard. Unfortunately, she almost got thrown out of university as a result of being too into skating and missing too many classes in her attempts to master the kickflip.

Her teachers recognized the genius of their student and predicted her a great future in science. As they had no hope of Liz being disciplined, they assigned her to practical training with a scientific exhibition instead of catching up with the classes she missed. This is how Liz set off to Amazonia, where an artefact that ignored the laws of physics was discovered in the ruins of the Samokhi Temple.

While the professors discussed the find, Liz got bored and decided to go skating through the temple. The spot wasn’t all that — Liz tripped on the rough slabs of the floor and flew headfirst right into the stone altar. Only a miracle saved her from a broken neck: the altar flashed and transferred the girl to the Temporal Net. Liz really regrets all those classes she missed now — she has a dire lack of the knowledge required to get back.



Eliza active ability.png Ball lightning

A cluster of pure energy which wounds enemies and puts their devices out of action. Don’t stand in its way!


Regenerator.png Quantum Regenerator

This unit combines Cretas’ energy technology and the medical genius of Eliza. Don't ask how, but it regenerates health at a distance and even through the walls.

Resurrector.png CMM-48 “Resurrector”

Cloning Machine Mobile (version 48). It doesn't really resurrect, it just creates a copy that is indistinguishable from the original. That is, it does not cancel the death of the previous copy, but who cares.

Tesla.png Electrical Concentrator “Tesla”

Elisa's own design. Several nearby machines create electrical barriers between themselves, and are also capable of discharging their charge with a lightning strike at inattentive opponents.



The injector has two types of ammunition: poisoned needles slow down and gradually kill the enemy, and adrenaline darts give temporary invulnerability to allies.

Toxic Gun “Sting”.png