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After losing its master a cyborg bodyguard must commit ritual self-destruction or drag out the miserable life of a ronin until it takes revenge on the killers. Lora chose the second path. However, when revenge is carried out, the ritual self-destruction is not cancelled.

Lora was the cyborg bodyguard of Lord Jones, a passionate traveler and adventurer. Lord Jones wanted to make her more human, so he added circuitry to her that would give her emotions. As time passed, Lora almost became like a daughter to him.

This made her really angry when the real human daughter of the Lord who had long broken off contact with him came to the estate. Lora was sure that Lord Jones was so happy that he never noticed the obvious — his daughter had only returned for her father’s riches, not to make peace in the family. The bodyguard tried to warn her master, but he did not want to listen to her. They had a terrible argument and Lora ran away from the estate.

She had almost reached the city, when an alarm suddenly set off in her head. Lora quickly returned home, only to find the lifeless body of her master there. Overcome by her desire for revenge, she followed Miss Jones to the Temporal Portal where the girl was trying to hide from her vengeance. Well, Lora was forced to catch her and teach her some family values.



Ability Flash.png Flashbang

This beautiful shiny thingy will blind the enemy and turn off their devices for several fatal seconds.


Gastrap.png Gas trap

Anti-personnel mine. Releases a cloud of poison gas when triggered.

Teleporter.png Teleporter

A portable version of the cretas portal with an identification friend-or-foe system. Allows allies to move between two portals instantly.

EMP .png EMP bomb

An electromagnetic emitter generates a pulse that temporarily incapacitates all enemy units in range.



This revolver is so powerful that even a cyborg has to hold it with both hands. And the elongated barrel with an integrated silencer and a red dot sight make it almost a sniper weapon.

Zero out.png