Professor Eliza Brown

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Eliza actually has several academic degrees and outstanding intelligence - she's a true brainbox. It seems that this is what allows our Professor to maintain a perfect balance between destruction, healing and lethality.

Eliza got dragged around various talk shows throughout her childhood, with everyone praising her exceptional intellect. Once she grew up, she found out that many universities around the world invited her to study, but her mother was hiding the letters of invitation, afraid to let her daughter go and lose her appearance fees. When the truth came out, Eliza left her parents’ home and dedicated her life to science.

Everyone was a little afraid of Eliza Brown at the university because of her fanaticism — she was prepared to do anything to prove herself right. She also frequently ignored health and safety regulations and her graying hair is the least of the consequences of her risky experiments.

It was no surprise that everyone let out a sigh of relief when she set off on an expedition to the Samokhi Temple to prove her insane theory about the existence of multiverses! When she entered the portal discovered at the dig site, Eliza proved herself right. However, she still can’t get back to tell the world about her great discovery. But that’s all right, she’ll show them all in time!



Eliza active ability.png Nutritious muck

Nobody knows what this stuff is made of, but it perfectly restores the health and spirit of the fighters.


Regenerator.png Quantum Regenerator

This unit combines Cretas’ energy technology and the medical genius of Eliza. Don't ask how, but it regenerates health at a distance and even through the walls.

Resurrector.png CMM-48 “Resurrector”

Cloning Machine Mobile (version 48). It doesn't really resurrect, it just creates a copy that is indistinguishable from the original. That is, it does not cancel the death of the previous copy, but who cares.

Tesla.png Electrical Concentrator “Tesla”

Elisa's own design. Several nearby machines create electrical barriers between themselves, and are also capable of discharging their charge with a lightning strike at inattentive opponents.


Molecular Gun

The Professor's own development: blobs of chemicals injure enemies and heal allies at the same time. Only our Professor can explain how this happens. Unfortunately, she explains it so complicatedly that nothing is clear anyway.

Chemical gun.png