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Saizou is a cyborg with a defective emotional block. She was written off as defective and sold on the black market to a local yakuza boss. For a long time, Saizou served the crime syndicate and committed many terrible crimes, but one day her defective block could not withstand the pressure.

Saizou is a cyborg produced by Shinobi with a defective emotional unit. She was written off and sold on the black market to the local Yakuza boss. It took less than a month for Saizou to eliminate the leaders of the clans that got in her owner’s way and give him unlimited power in the criminal underworld.

Her boss then decided to enter politics. While he was contesting the elections, he preferred using his old, tried and tested methods. Saizou was ordered to break into the home of his main opponent and destroy everything that lived inside. However, she found no one there apart from a lovely and affectionate cat. Following her orders, she aimed at the purring furball, but then her production defect acted up — Saizou felt sorry for the cat and lowered her weapon.

The cancellation of an owner’s order by the cyborg herself activated a Shinobi verification protocol. Upon discovering that this was an illegal droid the Concern sent out specialists to destroy her. Even after cutting out the tracking beacon from her body and putting on a mask, Saizou could not hide from her pursuers for long. She entered the Temporal Net to buy some time and cancel the existence of the Shinobi Concern if she got lucky enough.



Ability Flash.png Blink leap

You need to know how to move invisibly and quickly to hide from Yakuza mercenaries. Thankfully, Saizou knows how to do this.


Gastrap.png Gas trap

Anti-personnel mine. Releases a cloud of poison gas when triggered.

Teleporter.png Teleporter

A portable version of the cretas portal with an identification friend-or-foe system. Allows allies to move between two portals instantly.

EMP .png EMP bomb

An electromagnetic emitter generates a pulse that temporarily incapacitates all enemy units in range.


Ninja 02 Shotgun

High-tech Multiple Launch Shotgun. Deals huge one-time damage at close range.
