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Two rounds. In the first round, one team attacks the points, the second one defends, then they change places. The attacking team needs to capture two points in succession, the defending team needs to hold at least one. After the first round, the timer changes depending on the time it took the team to capture two points. If two points were not captured, then the timer does not change.

Victory Conditions:

  • Capture at least one point and hold both of your own
  • Capture two points in the second round (do it faster than the enemy team)
  • Capture more points than the enemy
  • If the teams capture the same number of points (0 or 1), then the match is declared a draw.


  • Starting resources - 350
  • Raunds - 2
  • Recovery of resources after respawn - 50
  • Time for First point - 240 s
  • Time for Second point - 120 s
  • Time to capture the first point - 14 s
  • Rollback time of the first point - 25 s
  • Time to capture the second point - 20 s
  • Rollback time of the second point - 10 s
  • Delay before activation of the second point - 10 s