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Concentrated bundles of charged particles carry a huge amount of energy for disintegrating enemies and quickly moving through space.


  • Shoots raycasts in a cone like a flamethrower.
  • Very rapid fire.
  • Avarage Damage.
  • Slows enemies with each hit, and the slowdown is cumulative: if you hit often, the enemy will be slowed down significantly.
  • Lightning warps towards the enemy.
  • Deals increased damage to disabled units.
  • If the weapon fully overheats, then the cooling will take 5 seconds, if not brought to overheating, then it can be cooled much faster.
  • Passively cools down if not fired for a while.
  • Slowdown - 10% in 1 s.

Alternative mode

Throws a Beam. At the appropriate range, when colliding with any obstacle, the Cogwheel begins to attract to this point.

Cogwill flight speed 1400, beam distance - by 2500.