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Cretas did not recognize that there were margins and outcasts  in their developed society. But they were, and DaEpsilon is one of the most famous, almost legendary figures of the Cretas' underworld. When you meet her, keep an eye on your wallet.

DaEpsilon is one of the Lower Cretas, which is why, since childhood, she is used to violating the rules for her own profit. While the Cretas prepared for their anima transfer, DaEpsilon decide to steal the diagrams of their temporal devices and transfer before the ruling classes of the population. If she managed to do this, the Cretas elite would have to take her seriously.

The plan of the robbery was hurriedly concocted and turned out to be badly calculated. DaEpsilon used a synthetic body as a mask to confuse the guards. This usually worked against the weak security systems of the Lower Cretas. It obviously did not work in high security zones.

DaEpsilon was captured at the scene of the crime. For her attempt at a coup, the Cretas placed her inside the Temporal Net and blocked the exits. DaEpsilon is now in an eternal prison with no exit. Theoretically, at least.



Jetpack.png Escape

Otherwise known as a tactical retreat. A sudden flash blinds the enemy and throws the sniper far away from the danger.


GuardDrone.png Guard drone

A miniature robot with a rapid-fire laser and an explosive charge inside. Combines the functions of a turret and a mine.

SnooperDrone.png Snooper drone

Detects and slows down opponents, allowing its owner to aim slowly, like in a shooting range.

ForceBarrier.png Force barrier

A semipermeable field that allows Sniper and her allies to shoot and pass through, but delays opponents and their shots.


Terror Railgun

Military-grade electromagnetic mass accelerator. Cretas' real combat weapon, designed exclusively for killing.
