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One of the builders and first testers of temporal technology. Due to a failure in testing, she was forever locked inside the Net. In general, the ordinary fate of a tester.

The very existence of the Temporal Net only became possible thanks to those like DaGamma. The Cretas scientist was a tester who was researching the effect of the portal on protein-based anthropomorphic shells. DaGamma entered the Net on numerous occasions and easily left it, but there came a day when she was locked inside forever because of a technical malfunction.

She spent a long time only battling her own copies, but as time passed, copies of strangers started to appear as well. She usually tries to come to some arrangement with the newcomers, but she shoots straight and without mercy if they attack.

On her journeys through the Temporal Net, DaGamma met the copy of a Creta who told her that their civilization had been destroyed. DaGamma immediately killed him, deciding that the Net had synthesized her greatest fear. She keeps waiting for help from her kin, trying to forget the story she was told.



Jetpack.png Luminator

Highlights enemies wherever you throw it. None can hide from it.


GuardDrone.png Guard drone

A miniature robot with a rapid-fire laser and an explosive charge inside. Combines the functions of a turret and a mine.

SnooperDrone.png Snooper drone

Detects and slows down opponents, allowing its owner to aim slowly, like in a shooting range.

ForceBarrier.png Force barrier

A semipermeable field that allows Sniper and her allies to shoot and pass through, but delays opponents and their shots.


Deimos SR

A multipurpose sniper rifle that is equally well suited for hunting and combat.

Sniper rifle “Deimos”.png