Game modes

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There are three control points. Your task is to hold at least two of them until you win. Work together and combine the defense of your points with attacks on enemy points.



There is only one control point. You must capture it and hold the position for the time required for victory.

Control map.png


A mode with rounds, where you must win both defense and attack. Show your mastery and trounce the enemy from both positions.

The war path.png

Control the Flags

You have two jobs to do: steal the enemy Energy Cubes and protect your own base from robbery. Deliver three Energy Cubes to your base first or collect more Energy Cubes than your opponents by the end of the match.

Chasing Blocks map .png

Classic Mod

Classic "blocks" mode: you have an Artifact and shovels, and the enemy has the same. At the end of the match, there should be only one Artifact left - the Artifact of your team.

Classic game mod .png